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Electronic Development Charges Form

Welcome to the Region of Durham Electronic Development Charges Form.

To support applying for Development Charges Forms, JavaScript Enabled on the Client ends is required.

To begin, click on the Create a Form button below.

Please note – the Development Charges Application has a timeout feature after 60 minutes with no activity.

If you are timed out please return the Regional Website to re-access the application

Complaints regarding Development Charges must be made in writing to The Regional Clerk within 90 days after payable date.

Please be advised that the Regional Municipality of Durham’s Electronic Development Charges Application has been upgraded to address issues related to internet browser incompatibility. The application can now be used with Internet Explorer versions 8, 9, 10 and 11, as well as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Should you require any assistance related to the Electronic Development Charges Application, please email dchelp@durham.ca.